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Step 1: take Real User Monitoring (RUM) of viewport widths and screen densities used on the website

Load stats listing page views with actual contexts (viewport, density) of site visitors

You need to provide a file with statistics about viewport widths and screen densities of the website’s visitors.

The stats file should be in CSV format, with these three columns:

There are a few requirements:

See this example from the project’s repository: stats.csv

Getting these data with an Analytics solution

You should be able to feed custom dimensions to your Analytics solution.

Computing values

// get device pixel ratio in dppx
var screen_density =
  typeof window == 'undefined'
    ? 0
    : +window.devicePixelRatio ||
      Math.sqrt(screen.deviceXDPI * screen.deviceYDPI) / 96 ||
// keep only 3 decimals:
screen_density = +(Math.round(screen_density + 'e+3') + 'e-3')

// get viewport width
var viewport_width = Math.max(
  window.innerWidth || 0,

Sending data to the analytics solution

Here is the code to use to send these data to Google Analytics:

// Code to send these custom dimensions to Google Analytics
ga('create', '<GoogleAnalyticsId>', 'auto')

ga('set', {
  dimension1: screen_density,
  dimension2: viewport_width,

ga('send', 'pageview')

You will then have to get the data from your Analytics solution. Wait for a while to get accurate data, depending on your traffic.

Note: Google Analytics provides a native browserSize variable, but it is a session-scoped dimension. We need pageview-scoped dimensions (hence ga('send', 'pageview')) because we will use these data to optimize image sizes for each page view. Viewport width (and screen density) of one user with multiple page views (actually browsing the site, more engaged) should influence the optimizations more than one user bouncing with one single page view, so sessions are not as accurate as page views.

Using collected data

Here’s how to create a custom report in Google Analytics, for example:

Creating a custom report in Google Analytics